Monday, November 30, 2015
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Friday, November 27, 2015
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Chocolate Tour of New York
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Monday, November 23, 2015
Giving Back - Alex Figliolia jr
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Friday, November 20, 2015
New York City, the city that never sleeps, is home to the greatest attractions in the world
Thursday, November 19, 2015
On November 11th, the United States will celebrate National Veteran’s Day
On November 11th, the United States will celebrate National Veteran’s Day in remembrance of the brave souls who gave and lost their lives in war. Our freedom is due to their heroic encounters all throughout history. Alex Figliolia Jr, a philanthropist and businessman, is most dedicated in alleviating the troubles our veterans face when are introduced back into reality. A majority of the time, our veterans slide back into reality with wounds that are unforgettable and are hard for everyone else to understand. Some of these unforgettable wounds include missing, stress, depression, PTSD disorder and extremities. Since they serviced us throughout history, Alex Figliolia Jr. has obligated in raising alertness and money for our wounded veterans alongside their families by guaranteeing to match a $20,000 contribution. His contribution is implemented to assist the Wounded Warrior Project whose strict mission is to pay homage to Wounded Warriors around the country. Wounded Warrior Project has a bold goal to promote the biggest and most effective right-minded generation of wounded veterans in the history of country. Alex Figliolia Jr. is inspiring 1000 people to donate just $20 to Wounded Warrior Project from the start of Veteran’s Day, November 11th and finishes on December 11th and Alex Figliolia Jr. will match any donation. Wounded Warrior Project offers an abundance of integrated programs for veterans and their families to rehabilitate themselves and I totally free of charge. To keep these programs running smoothly, every dollar raised is saved up to fund the programs. To get on board and start donating, visit Alex Figliolia Jr.’s Wounded Warrior Project page, Alex Figliolia Jr. 20 K for Veterans Day Donation Match in Support of Wounded Veterans. Every donation is valued greatly and will have a lasting effect on our veterans.
Fire Up Your Portfolio With These High Yielding Closed End Funds
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Thursday, November 12, 2015
The Challenge to Support Our Wounded Veterans is Still On
Thank you for your support.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Have I Got a #VeteransDay Bargain For You

What type of reflection is it on our society that more people can be found watching #DancingWithTheStars than lining up along a parade route to say thank you to our veterans?
How does it look to other countries that more people can be found clicking "like" on Facebook than making their way to the ballot booth to cast their vote in a free and open election for any position?

Freedom is the greatest right that an American citizen has, yet it is often taken for granted as something that will always be available without effort.
That concept might be the single most dangerous thought in the heads of Americans today.

I could see the shock on my friend's face as my words settled on his brain so I went on to explain, "Social Security, No Child Left Behind, Foreign Aide are all wonderful things when you have a free and magnanimous country. But when you have many enemies all lined up against a country because they are threatened by democracy and the freedoms that come with it, the only way to protect those freedoms is by having a strong military and that military isn't free.
It took a while for my friend to understand what I was saying, but soon enough he came around to my way of thinking. I then shared with him some crazy statistics about warriors returning home wounded and without jobs. I told him that my stomach churns every time I hear about a veteran who is being denied quality healthcare or aide after s/he put their lives on the line for our freedom. That is why I am supporting the Wounded Warrior Project and am asking people to donate $20 through this special link Alexfiglioliajr20kforveteransday For every dollar donated between now and December 11th, I will match it dollar for dollar.
Think about it - we get to save hundreds of dollars on purchases of cars, furniture, clothing and other retail items during these big "Veterans Day Sales Blow Outs" why not take a $20 from those savings and turn it into $40 by donating to the #WoundedWarriorProject today?
You can also donate on my website www.alexfiglioliajr.com
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Alex Figliolia Jr. 20k for Veteran's Day Donation Challenge in Support of Wounded Warrior Project
Back home, regular citizens update their Facebook profiles, Tweet at each other, connect on LinkedIn, Instagram and various other social media sites, from their home, office and yes, even their cars, never giving a thought to the thousands of military men and women who are miles away protecting our freedom to do fill the internet with blather.
November 11th is Veterans' Day - a day when we recognize the men and women who have served and still serve our country. It is a day off for many. A day of retails sales and promotions. A day of parades and jubilee. It is our opportunity to say, "thank you" and give back.
For me it is the kick off day of a fundraiser challenge to support wounded veterans through the Wounded Warrior Project. As such, I am seeking 1000 people to donate $20 each directly to the Wounded Warrior Project through the link below. For every donation made I will match it dollar for dollar up to $20,000.00.
If you can't donate $20 then donate any amount you like and I will still match it. If you want to donate more, even better. Every dollar raised through this event will go to wounded veterans.
Please donate today and share the link with everyone you know.
Donate to Wounded Warrior Project If you need more information about who I am and why I am doing this just visit my website at www.alexfiglioliajr.com
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
What to Look for When Buying a Motorcycle
With so many bike options to choose from today, a smart buyer will invest the time necessary to do the research so that s/he doesn't spend money unwisely.